Disability Funding Options

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is currently the primary funding option within Australia, with Helping Children with Autism (HSWA) and Better Start for Children with Disabilities (Better Start) currently being phased out slowly across Australia. Funding was initially controlled by the government agency the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) but is now managed by the Department of Social Services (DSS).

Families that currently have funding from HSWA or Better Start should have already received information about NDIS. If not, carers should contact the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on 1800 800 110.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a Federal Government initiative to assist Australians with a disability, their families and carers. NDIS is implemented by an independent Commonwealth agency called the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports to about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 living with a permanent and significant disability, allowing people living with a disability to exercise choice and control over their lives and implement support that focuses on individual goals and needs. The aim of the NDIS is to build personal capacity, increase participation and access to mainstream and community supports, further improving their quality of life.  NDIS invests in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.

To become an NDIS participant a person must:

  • Have a permanent disability that significantly affects their ability to take part in everyday activities;
  • Be aged less than 65 when they first enter the NDIS;
  • Be an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa or a Protected Special Category Visa; and
  • Live in Australia where the NDIS is available.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is also available to those that do not meet the above criteria by connecting people to disability and mainstream supports in the community. For more information on support services visit www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110.

JettProof has recently become an NDIS provider in response to an identified need, allowing us to provide quality compression clothing to more individuals throughout Australia (with the Northern Territory to come soon). JettProof provides sensory compression clothing to help people that are living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Anxiety, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Aspergers, Dyspraxia, Apraxia, RETT Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Williams Syndrome, Cornelia De Lange Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome and Down Syndrome.

JettProof is currently registered to provide support under the following categories:

  • Assistive products and personal care and safety
  • Assistive equipment for recreation and leisure

JettProof is in the process of registering for additional categories.

Participants who are self-managing their NDIS package can pay for their JettProof products and keep the JettProof receipt in their records as proof of payment. Participants whose plans are managed by a registered NDIS provider can request a JettProof proforma invoice. To obtain a proforma invoice, JettProof will require the name, address, phone number, email address, details of items to be purchased plus the participant’s name and NDIA number. The request for a proforma invoice, and information can be emailed to quotes@jettproof.com.au Once these are received JettProof will access the NDIS provider portal and lodge the personalised proforma invoice.

Helping Children with Autism (HCWA)

Helping Children with Autism (HCWA) is an early intervention program for children undergoing diagnosis/assessment or treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD). HCWA is managed by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS).

HCWA gives support for families of children living with ASD and PDD by providing access to early intervention programs. If your child is 0-6 years of age and living with ASD or PDD, then your family may be eligible to obtain funding up to $12 000 ($6000 per financial year) until they turn 7. Up to 35% (or $2100) can be used to purchase resources per financial year.

Under the HCWA program, a child can be referred by a consultant paediatrician or psychiatrist for the following allied health services:

HCWA Packages include:

  • Autism Advisor Program (AAP): Speak to an Autism Advisor to get information, answer questions and to help you apply for the funding. Services can be accessed by Phone: 1300 978 611 Email: autismadvisor@autismspectrum.org.au 
  • Early Days Workshops: Workshops for carers to learn more about ASD and PDD that includes face to face, online and phone contact. Contact an Autism Advisor to register. Phone: 1300 978 611
  • PlayConnect Playgroups: Free playgroups for families living with ASD and PDD. Phone: 1800 171 882 Email: admin@playgroupnsw.com.au Web: www.playgroupnsw.com.au
  • Raising Children Network: Information on services, supports and types of therapies about ASD and PDD. www.raisingchildren.net.au/autism
  • Medicare Items: Help for carers to regain money for private therapy programs for children living with ASD and PDD.
  • Diagnostic/Assessment Services: Used to assist the referring practitioner with diagnosis or to contribute to a child’s treatment and management plan. The referrals can be utilised for up to four services to see a psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist.
  • Treatment Services: Used to provide a treatment or management plan. The referrals can be utilised for up to 20 services to see a psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist.

Contact your Autism Advisor for a Medicare Information Factsheet. Email: austismadvisor@autismspectrum.org.au

  • Positive Partnership Workshops: Online workshops and learning modules for carers of school aged children living with ASD and PDD. www.autismtraining.com.au

Better Start for Children with Disability (Better Start)

The Better Start for Children with Disability (Better Start) is a government initiative that is managed by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS). Better Start provides funding for early intervention services for families of children living with a range of disabilities including:

·                 Cerebral Palsy

·                 Prada-Willi Syndrome

·                 Deafblindness

·                 Williams Syndrome

·                 Down Syndrome

·                 Angelman Syndrome

·                 Fragile X Syndrome

·                 Kabuki Syndrome

·                 Hearing Impairment (Both ears)

·                 Smith-Magenis Syndrome

·                 Sight Impairment

·                 CHARGE Syndrome

·                 RETT Syndrome

·                 Cornelia De Lange Syndrome

·                 Microcephaly

·                 Cri Du Chat Syndrome


Better Start is available for children under the age of 6 that meet one of the above diagnoses. Carers can access funding up to $12 000 ($6000 per financial year) for a range of intervention services including:

·       Audiologist

·       Psychologist

·       Equipment/ Resources ($2100/year)

·       Social Worker

·       Occupational Therapist

·       Speech Pathologist

·       Optometrist

·       Teachers of the Deaf

·       Orthoptist

·       Teachers of the Vision Impaired

·       Physiotherapist



Applying for Better Start

Step 1 – Initial Contact

Contact Registration and Information Service (RIS) on 1800 242 636, and make an appointment for an RIS Advisor who will help you through the registration process.

Step 2 – Sending in the Required Documents

  • Completed application form
  • Child’s Centrelink generated Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • Proof of your child’s age
  • Written confirmation of your child’s diagnosis: written on a letterhead signed by diagnosing practitioner
  • Proof of residential status
  • Proof of residential address
  • Client consent form

Step 3 – Letter of Introduction

Once eligible you will receive a Letter of Introduction, this is used to confirm your eligibility for Early Intervention funding and allows the provider to access your child’s information on the DSS Online Funding Management System (FOFMS) and submit claims for payment.

Step 4 – Accessing Services

Access an online list of Better Start Early Intervention service providers by visiting https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/disability-and-carers/program-services/for-people-with-disability/early-intervention-services-for-children-with-disability

Step 5 – Entitlement and Payment

Eligible children can have access to up to $12 000 of early intervention funding until the age of 7 with no more than $6000 per financial year. This funding is only accessed by the Better Start Early Intervention provider by making a claim from DSS for the services provided.

Step 6 – Purchasing Resources

Eligible children can use up to $4200 (35%) of their funding to purchase resources or equipment that supports the ongoing delivery of early intervention therapies. These can be acquired by the provider or the carer and reimbursed through DSS.

Step 7 – Keeping track of your funding allocation

You will be sent Family Activity Statement (FAS) from DSS to assist you in tracking your use of funding. FAS will tell you what has been spent that month and the remaining funds. It is also important to keep personal financial records due to the accounting procedures of the provider.

Step 8 – Questions?

If you have any enquiries, contact your local RIS Advisor on 1800 242 636.

JettProof Options

Participants have the ability to use their funding through NDIS to purchase JettProof sensory garments by contacting our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team by phone: 1300 667 687, email: sales@jettproof.com.au, Facebook message: www.facebook.com/JettProof/ or 24/7 live chat through our website www.jettproof.com.au

If you have funding through Better Start or HCWA, then you would be required to contact your funding provider and explain the need for JettProof and how it will help. They will then be able to use up to 35% of your funding for our resources. Occupational Therapists are so happy that JettProof undergarments are available for their clients and are excited because they can now recommend non-restrictive, comfortable, quality undergarments that individuals can wear all day, every day.